Tools still missing in workbench

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Tools still missing in workbench

Post by PrevueComKid »

I run the UAE, double clicked the Workbench icon, but I don't see tools drawer - it's missing! I tried holding Right Mouse, go to the Window menu, then select "clean up", but the tools drawer did not appear at all! Anything what to do? :shock:
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Re: Tools still missing in workbench

Post by tin »

Probably that drawer does not exist then! You will need to check your installation.
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Re: Tools still missing in workbench

Post by PrevueComKid »

I don't mean to be rude, but how will I do it - check my installation? :?
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Re: Tools still missing in workbench

Post by PajamaDarkness »

Sorry if this comes off as rude, but you don't know what 'checking your installation' means? :? Have you tried right clicking on the UAE desktop and under 'View', show all?
Prevuing since 2015.
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