AriX wrote:Good news:
I figured out how to get the EPG Jr. software to register up to 64 channels (which seems to be its built-in limit) with almost no problem whatsoever. I also figured out how to get it to highlight channels like we can do on the Amiga software. The Amiga software seems to only allow up to 6 channels to be highlighted, but the Atari doesn't appear to have a limit.
Also, I have some good news for all of you Windows folks, which is that over the next little while I'm going to be putting up a centralized listing server on and I'll be figuring out a solution for Windows users to be able to receive listings on their emulated Ataris and Amigas, provided they can forward their ports to allow some UDP packets to be forwarded straight to their computer. Also, hopefully I'll have time to start documenting these newer commands pretty soon.
I've been trying to figure out how you were able to set the alternate highlighting and channels above 9 on the EPG jr. Where would I insert the color selection and extra channel numbers? Also, in the channel lineup and listings data example, I noticed that there is only one byte of data showing for the julian date in the example listings (15 in the example). How are days after number 255 treated, since a second byte would be needed to get Julian days 256 and greater? Would it accept a second byte of data for julian date?