Prevue Music, Sax & Piano Piece [UPDATE, DMX MUSIC TRACK PROBABLY]

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Prevue Music, Sax & Piano Piece [UPDATE, DMX MUSIC TRACK PROBABLY]

Post by joshuacorns »

tcimockup.jpg (380.87 KiB) Viewed 4291 times
Hello all,

Thought I would try again. Still searching for this music piece after 3 years. In 1995-1996, I lived in Temecula, CA (which is about 30 minutes from San Diego) and our cable provider was TCI Communications. On channel 3 was our Prevue Channel, and during this time period there was music that was played over a blue sky with white clouds at the top, and the scrolling list of Prevue channels and what was on below. I'm looking for a piece of instrumental music I've never been able to find. I have searched through KillerTracks, and a few others but haven't been able to find it. The only clues I can give is that is that is was a contemporary piece with a a saxophone & piano alternating-playing the same melody. Maybe 2 minutes in length or so. In fact it's the only sax & piano piece I'd ever heard together in one song on the Prevue Channel. The link below is to a TCI promo in 1997 and if you listen to the first 20 seconds of music, that sounds almost identical to the sax sound but it's missing the piano. Does anyone have any idea what this track might be? Please throw any ideas my way that you think might help. This is seriously one the greatest mysteries of my life.

UPDATE, 11/6/18:

I believe this is around the time TCI started using Digital Music Xpress for all of their Prevue scrolls. This track is probably from their library from this time.

UPDATE 11/19/18

From :47 to 1:14 in this video, this is almost identical to the actual melody that I'm looking for:

Has anybody ever heard a melody like this on Prevue?


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