Trying to get the Channel Lineup to Upload to Version 7.8.3

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Trying to get the Channel Lineup to Upload to Version 7.8.3

Post by nwgatwcfan »


Good afternoon. I need some assistance. I am currently in a re-write of my program and I am trying to send the commands to set up the channel lineup. Everytime I have tried, I cannot get the version 7 to accept a lineup. It works great in version 9 though.

I am afraid that I am overlooking something, whether it be a setting in WInUAE or a setting in one of the configuration files.

Oddly enough, if I copy Ari's curday file and modify it with the correct julian day, then I can send listings all day long. But for some reason it's the channel lineup giving me fits.

Any suggestions as to what I could try or are there any differences in these two versions regarding sending the data.

I am thinking that the software is not allowing the curday file to be built for some reason, as I don't see a curday file being created when I send a lineup.

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Re: Trying to get the Channel Lineup to Upload to Version 7.8.3

Post by AriX »

Hey Steven,

2 questions:
- Are you trying to provide channel lineup via curday.dat, or via mode C serial commands?
- Can you provide an example of a command or curday that your program is generating that is not working? I can try to inspect it and see if I can figure out what’s going wrong.
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Re: Trying to get the Channel Lineup to Upload to Version 7.8.3

Post by nwgatwcfan »


I am using the C Serial commands to send the data. I am attaching my serial log from my program. Disregard the CR and LF chars, as they are not part of the data I am sending. I double checked by sending the data in a loop to a terminal program, just to be sure.

I am also testing the QTable, Prevue Weather, and Config settings as well. Prevue Weather is working, with the exception of the banner. QTable & config are works in progress.

Thank you,
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Re: Trying to get the Channel Lineup to Upload to Version 7.8.3

Post by AriX »

Hey Steven,

I'm very sorry for the delay here.

I spent a while trying different stuff here but ultimately I wasn't able to reproduce any problems that were specific to version 7.8.3.

There was a lot of data in your serial log so it was hard to figure out which parts to experiment with - but ultimately I settled on this region since it included a clock command:

Code: Select all

Which, in my program's syntax, I decoded to the following commands:

Code: Select all

- BoxOnCommand:
    selectCode: '*'
- ClockCommand:
    dayOfWeek: 2
    month: 4
    day: 21
    year: 97
    hour: 2
    minute: 45
    second: 20
    daylightSavingsTime: false
- BoxOffCommand: {}
- BoxOnCommand:
    selectCode: '*'
- ChannelsCommand:
      dayOfYear: 137
    - sourceIdentifier: WSB000
      channelNumber: '2'
      callLetters: WSB
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: WRCB00
      channelNumber: '3'
      callLetters: WRCB
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: TBS000
      channelNumber: '4'
      callLetters: TBS
      - none
    - sourceIdentifier: KABC00
      channelNumber: '7'
      callLetters: KABC
      - none
      - hiliteSrc
      - sumbySrc
      - videoTagDisable
      - cafPPVSrc
      - ditto
      - althiliteSrc
      - stereo
    - sourceIdentifier: WSB000
      channelNumber: '2'
      callLetters: WSB
      - none
- BoxOffCommand: {}
- BoxOnCommand:
    selectCode: '*'
- ProgramCommand:
      dayOfYear: 137
      timeslot: 23
      sourceIdentifier: WSB000
      programName: News
      - none
The only problem that I found was that the clock command was for the wrong day, and the timeslot was for a time that wasn't going to be visible at the time of display. I changed the clock command's day from 21 to 17, and changed the program's timeslot from 23 to 38, and then everything worked as expected on 7.8.3.

I hope that helps. I'm happy to try to debug further if you can report any more specific issues.
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Re: Trying to get the Channel Lineup to Upload to Version 7.8.3

Post by nwgatwcfan »

Good morning. I wanted to follow up on this thread for anyone that may be working or would like to work on building listings.

On version 7, you must send the clock command one time before you send any channel lineup data. That was what was keeping me from getting the channel lineup to take.

Version 7 must not read the system clock at the time the software starts to run, so it's expecting to see that clock information to set the clock in the software. Once that is completed, then it functions like normal.

Version 9 has the setting to either read the system clock or wait for a clock command. So, it's not necessary to send the clock command.

I wonder if that was done to save data being transmitted over satellite, to give more capacity for listings data and longer channel lineups?

Hope this helps anyone working on building their own program or will be in the future.

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