Problems with PrevueCLI on Win11

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Problems with PrevueCLI on Win11

Post by RyanG »

Hi there,

I am having the following problems with PrevueCLI on Windows 11.

•Converting XML to the format PrevueCLI uses
•Sending the sample listings to Prevue via WinUAE (TCP set to
See attached:
winuae64_Z6sV1SEEfQ.png (123.95 KiB) Viewed 10104 times
cmd_3oO4aj6JtZ.png (38.56 KiB) Viewed 10104 times
cmd_UDAYhQH8at.png (62.14 KiB) Viewed 10104 times
If you could help me - that would be great :)
(Note: I am using a AMD Ryzen if that changes anything.)
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Re: Problems with PrevueCLI on Win11

Post by djrsaunders »

Have you checked if the TCP connection ID for WinUAE matches the one set in the PrevueCLI document? Also, for listings, did you create a folder called "listings" in the PrevueCLI folder so that when you perform "convertXMLTVToListings", the listings in the XMLTV file will be dumped to said folder?
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Re: Problems with PrevueCLI on Win11

Post by RyanG »

TCP - yep
folder - yep

both aren't recognized.

Is this a Windows 11 bug?
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Re: Problems with PrevueCLI on Win11

Post by EriolGaurhoth »

*bump* I've been having similar issues on Windows 11. I've tried a few things to troubleshoot, but to no avail:

- Changing both WinUAE and the PrevueCLI to "Run As Administrator", thinking there was some extra permission needed to access the network layer. No dice.
- Changing the IP address to something other than on both the PrevueCLI-side and the WinUAE-side. Still nothing
- Changing the port to something other than "1234", thinking there might be something else using that port, both for PrevueCLI and WinUAE. Nada.
- Manually changing Windows Firewall settings to allow network traffic from both PrevueCLI and WinUAE for public and private networks, thinking it was somehow blocked. Nope.
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Re: Problems with PrevueCLI on Win11

Post by EriolGaurhoth »

I'm thinking the problem <i>might</i> be with WinUAE and not PrevueCLI, as I was able to get PrevueCLI to send to a recognized open address but still nothing shows up in the WinUAE emulator. So I'm thinking that the serial-port-to-TCP in WinUAE is not talking to Windows 11 properly. I'm hoping it's just some configuration setting that is wrong and not an actual bug.
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