[Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

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[Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by AriX »

Want to download Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs? I will maintain an index of all of the ones that are available in this post. If you have LaserDiscs that you would like me to include here, just let me know!

September 1992
YouTube Videos: [Intro, Ident, "Bugsy", Reel Talk: "Bugsy", Prevue Guide Promo]
Download Background Audio
Background Graphics (On this disc, there are only two!)
Raw LaserDisc

April 1993
YouTube Videos: [Ident 1, Ident 2, Ending]
Raw LaserDisc

March 1994
("STARTS 03-01-93" is presumably a typo)
YouTube Videos: [Ident 1, Ident 2]
Raw LaserDisc

July 1994
YouTube Videos: [Ident]
Background Graphics
Raw LaserDisc

February 1995
YouTube Videos: [Ident 1, Ident 2]
Raw LaserDisc

October 1995 (TCI Version)
YouTube Videos: [Ident]
Raw LaserDisc

March 1996
YouTube Videos: [Ident, Up Next Open, Up Next Close, Sneak Prevue Tonight Open, Sneak Prevue Tonight Close, Showing All Day Open, Showing All Day Close, Showing All Week Open, Showing All Week Close, Premiering Soon Open, Premiering Soon Close, "Clueless", "Nine Months", "The Big Green", "WWF Year In Review", ReelTalk: "The Usual Suspects", USWest TeleChoice ID, Continental Cablevision Promo, Viewer's Choice Promo, Sega Channel Promo, Sega Channel Promo 2]
Raw LaserDisc

January 1997
YouTube videos: [Intro, Ident, Ident (Jomes Home Theater), Ident (Jones Intercable), Ident (Time Warner Home Theatre), Ident (CableVision), Ident (Harron Communications), Backgrounds, ReelTalk: A Family Thing]
Background Graphics (this disc has 275 different backgrounds! I didn't bother naming them)
Raw LaserDisc

May 1997 (C Disc Version)
YouTube videos: [Promo, Ident (MediaOne), Ident (Continental CableVision), Ident (Comcast), Ident (Comcast Home Video), Ident (Comcast Home Theater), Ident (Cox Communications)]
Raw LaserDisc

February 2002
YouTube videos: [Ident, Ident (Time Warner Home Theatre), Ident (Time Warner Cable iN Demand), Ident (COX iN Demand), Ident (Comcast iN Demand), Ident (AT&T Broadband), Tonight Open, Tonight Close, Premiering Soon Open, Premiering Soon Close, Up Next Open, Up Next Close, "Shrek", Sneak Prevue Promo, Cox Digital Pay-Per-View Promo, Cox.com Promo, TV Guide Channel Promo, TV Guide Promo 2, Comcast Home Theater Promo, Background Audio Channel]
Background Graphics
Raw LaserDisc
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by joseph_sobora »

Those .zip drives have some corrupted errors on them when I downloaded them.

Edit: It turns out to be my other .zip drive software, I used a new one and it works!

Anyway, thanks Ari for uploaded these and I can't wait for more!
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by AriX »

Posted a bunch. Will be posting the rest soon.
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by cmcrulz95 »

Amazing, very cool! Thanks!
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by AriX »

Posted a lot more stuff. This is all I'm going to post for now; it includes all of the LaserDiscs I own.

I'd love to post better quality background audio and background graphics, since the ones I have posted so far are mostly from older rips I did of lesser quality, or are incorrectly sized. Some of the YouTube videos are also not great uploads, but I'm hesitant to replace them. I will do it at some point (especially the audio).
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by joseph_sobora »

Interesting, there was a TCI Version of "Sneak Prevue" rather than others. Also, the February, 1995 Edition is just like the one that Dailymotion user, "Square1986" had posted. Now, it's in better quality! and the July, 1994 Edition is way different than the previous one from March & May, 1994 as well as the April, 1993.

Either way, thanks for posting, Ari!
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by dewdude »

I'm curious, just how hard are these discs to come across? I collect LD's and would love to have some of these in my collection.
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by angie2010 »

Ari, if you have the May 1995 Sneak Prevue LaserDisc, please let me know.
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by tin »

dewdude wrote:I'm curious, just how hard are these discs to come across? I collect LD's and would love to have some of these in my collection.
They seem pretty rare to me, in 3 or so years I've only seen 4-5 on ebay, and that was all at once. I guess mainly operators threw them away as soon as the run was over, and of course they were probably considered corporate assets.
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Re: [Download] Sneak Prevue LaserDiscs

Post by AriX »

dewdude wrote:I'm curious, just how hard are these discs to come across? I collect LD's and would love to have some of these in my collection.
Yeah, they're hard to come across, though every once in a while one will pop up on eBay. I'm in the process of buying one (from late '97) from a LaserDisc collector who found it at a thrift shop in a pile of LPs. Pretty funny.
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