Twitchvue Guide - The Prevue Guide on Twitch.TV

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Twitchvue Guide - The Prevue Guide on Twitch.TV

Post by nkizz »

I've been working on this for a while now, and I thought since I've mostly gotten the bugs ironed out, I thought I'd share it with all you lovely people.
This is a modification of @zshall's simulation of the Prevue Grid that loads listings from the API. It's then run inside a web browser, and streamed back to Twitch using OBS. I think it's pretty faithful, although I did take music and idents from a few different eras.

Check it out!
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Re: Twitchvue Guide - The Prevue Guide on Twitch.TV

Post by PrevueFanatic »

Will ConTV, Shout Factory TV and BobRoss be added to the List as well?
We Are What's On.
Don't really come on often, i guess it's time to change that.
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Re: Twitchvue Guide - The Prevue Guide on Twitch.TV

Post by hentaicrusader »

I'm currently working on a program to implement listings in the real guide, once it's done it might be useful.

Awesome idea though.
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Re: Twitchvue Guide - The Prevue Guide on Twitch.TV

Post by theartofdanger »

:o :o :o

This is...genius!!

Good to see someone take the initiative to re-create the guide and add on popular Twitch channels. I hope you don't mind, I might have some ideas to share with you about this and maybe something related to the guide (I.E--Probably something Sneak Prevue related).

That said, well done!
Adam -- Fan of Prevue Guide/TV Guide Channel

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Re: Twitchvue Guide - The Prevue Guide on Twitch.TV

Post by tin »

haha! love it!
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